Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Be careful what you wish for

So we joined this community-supported farm for the summer/fall growing season. This particular one works by "selling" shares in the farm (max 50) for the season, and then the harvest gets divided up between the shareholders. The farm is local, seasonal, totally pesticide-free. This week was our first delivery, and we were eagerly waiting to see what we'd get. What we got was a lot of green: arugula, lettuce, mustard greens, enough rosemary to make the whole house fragrant.

So we settled in to make a huge salad, with arugula, Tokyo Bekana (an oriental green), mandarin oranges and walnuts. We sat down and dug in. It tasted wonderful -- sun energy instead of corn energy (read Michael Pollan's book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" for more about corn). We were happily chomping away (I'd eaten about half of a big bowl), when I noticed something on the side of my bowl. There, slowly climbing its way out of my honey-mustard dressing, was a small black snail (slug? who knows...).

Pesticide-free food is amazing, and knowing where your food comes from and who's growing it is fantastic. The unexpected protein I could probably do without...



Anonymous said...

See, it's addicting, isn't it? 2 posts in one night; where will it end? *maniacal laughter*


Anonymous said...

mmm protein. Chocolate coat it and your good to go!!