Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Earth to the Pizza Family

I know, we're terrible bloggers. We promise descriptions of fabulous meals, then disappear for two months. Sorry! We're back to veggie pickup this week (thanks to all our kind friends who did pickup for us over the summer, and made excellent meals, even if they couldn't quite identify everything they received...), so hopefully back to blogging soon.

I will tell you we had an Indian feast last night, courtesy of Joel. No organic veggies were harmed during the making of the meal, but it was mighty good. And to go with dinner tomorrow, tonight we made a tomato-herb bread from an Emeril recipe, which just smelled too good so we had to cheat and try it. Mmm, mmm, mmm!

Veggie pickup tomorrow, so stay tuned for more merriment and eggplant!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that bread recipe. It is a great use of my herb garden.
