Saturday, September 23, 2006

On Rosh Hashanah it is written...

I spoke about "The Pizza" at my synagogue today-- about the value of knowing what we're eating and where it comes from. And I was impressed and amazed to learn just how many people were inspired to think more deeply about their diets.

I was also impressed by the number of people who are already buying CSA shares, or who have been contemplating it and may well have been pushed "off the fence" by my talk.

I met some new folks today, as happens at Rosh Hashanah inevitably, and also learned some new things about congregants I thought I knew. I met a couple of nutritionists who offered to come and run educational sessions at the synagogue; I heard from a congregant who is a biologist and another who is a chemical engineer. They each had a view about my comments from their own perspectives, and I really like that. I'm hoping folks will visit "The Pizza" and let us know what they're thinking about food.

I'm off to find some use for daikon radishes we received from the farm this past week; I've never seen or heard of them-- if you've got any ideas, let us know!

To all of our Jewish friends, Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daikons are yummy grated raw with a sesame-ginger dressing.
Chag Same'ach!